Shumei brings a unique spiritual and ethical dimension to solving critical problems facing the world community.
Shumei International is a non-governmental organization with special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. Headquartered in Japan, the organization was founded on the philosophy of Mokichi Okada (1882-1955), the Japanese philosopher, art connoisseur, agriculturalist and humanist.
- Our goal is to promote a deeper understanding of our interconnectedness with the natural world and one another.
- We work towards achieving sustainable development and creating a more peaceful and prosperous world.
- Our activities range from agro-ecological farming projects and educational seminars to programs focused on art and music that foster an appreciation of diverse cultures and beauty.
- We believe that changing our mindset and behavior to be more in harmony with nature will not only uplift the human condition and bring happiness, but most importantly, cultivate a world at peace.

Values and Ethics
Shumei, based in Japan, is dedicated to contributing to the well being of the world by applying the philosophy of Mokichi Okada, a naturalist, art connoisseur and humanist who lived in Japan during the early and middle decades of the 20th century. The basis of this philosophy is the cultivation of spiritual values, the appreciation of art and beauty and the development of a way of life based on harmony with nature.
Through cultivating inner resources (interconnectedness) and practicing harmony with nature, we can address the root causes of global challenges.
Happiness and well being are fundamental hopes of all humankind. As our global culture increasingly focuses on materialistic gain, there is an urgent need to find a balance between materialism and spirituality.